發表於 2007-4-18 17:51:00
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Dear xxx,
Thank you for your email dated 18 April 2007.
Your email has been forwarded to the Assessment Development Division and the response is as follows:
InTask 1 for UE Section E, the instructions for the letter clearly state‘write no more than 500 words’. For this task, candidates can beawarded up to 2 additional marks for ‘Word Limit and Balance’. Thesemarks will be awarded if they comply with the word limit AND produce aletter which has an opening, main body and closing of an appropriatelength.
Candidates who write beyond the 500 word limitwill receive a ‘Word Limit and Balance’ mark of 1 or possibly 0,depending on how far beyond the word limit they have written, AND howsuccessfully they have managed balanced the opening, main body andclosing of the letter. Markers will not mark candidates’ writing beyondthe 500 word limit, regardless of how many content points may beincluded in the additional words after the set limit. Up to 4presentation marks are also awarded for ‘Readability and Organization,and this mark may also be affected if candidates write well beyond the500 word limit.
For further enquiries, please contact us at 3628 8860.
Cindy Fan
Public Examinations Information Centre
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority |