Nike Ball
N* skin
real players and comps name (hkcm個個只有球員)
802 potentail -10-9 list and u21 >165 list
7stars coach list
widescreen fixed(can show more information)
handsome nets
skysports popup (match)
3xxMB player background and 2xxMB stadium background
handsome flags
155MB SS08 kits
Metallic competitive logo
Metallic logo for nations and Continents
Shinny Logo for club
635MB person picture(include all 165> potential footballers)
原帖由 杰少仔 於 2008-6-29 05:52 PM 發表
anyone want to dl?
i can open FTP
Nike Ball
N* skin
real players and comps name (hkcm個個只有球員)
802 potentail -10-9 list and u21 >165 list
7stars coach list
widescreen fixed(can show more informat ...