我冇用..因為試過真係係到睇fullmatch ..睇左2場都唔多覺playmaker set 同唔set 有咩分別
Target Man
大隻佬 (最簡單o既攻擊) 應該人人都識點玩^^
supply: To head/mixed
Mentality: 比team o既平衡 ment 低4-6格
Forward run : rarely
Hold up ball : Yes
Creative freedom: Low
Crosses from byline, cross aim mixed
其他: Mixed
其他人 cross 去大隻佬個面即係如果target man 係左面.. 左面wing / fullback 都set near post , 右面d wing fullback set farpost
快fc做target man (單箭頭)
Supply: Run to ball
Mentality: 比成team 平均低幾格
Forward run : Mixed
Hold up ball : No
Creative freedom: High
Close down: own area
Crosses ball mixed, cross aim mixed, cross from mixed
Long shots: Mixed
Through ball : Often (因為佢見到有mc / wing 上前佢會做多d through ball 比佢地)
其他人set cross咩都set Mixed
打2fc 快fc 做 targetman
Supply: Run to ball / to feet
Mentality: 比成team 平均低幾格
Forwardrub : Rarely
Holdup ball: yes
Creative: High
crossball : Often, aim far post byline因為near post都唔會有人@@
Closing down : Mixed/rarely 睇你會唔會set 對人地個cd / gk closing down away
Long shots: Rarely
Through ball: Often
其他人 cross 去個另一隻fc個面(應該用一隻比較有heading) 即係如果係左面.. 左面wing / fullback 都set near post , 右面d wing fullback set farpost
amc做target man
Mentality: 中間多dd
Creative : little 到 normal 中間
Passing:short 到max中間
Closing down : own area
Tackling: Easy
Forwardrun: Mixed
run with ball : Rarely
Through ball : Mixed
Long Shots: Rarely
Cross Ball: Rarely
Holdup Ball : yes
Mentality: 中間多d
Creative: little
Passing: short
Closing down : whole pitch
Tackling: Easy
Forwardrun: Often
run with ball : Often
Thought ball : Rarely
Long Shots: Rarely
Cross Ball: Mixed byline centre 佢crossball 隻amc應該都準備係禁區中間等運到
Ambition 18+, Determination <18
Ambition, Determination, Loyalty, Professional and Sporting all <15
Born Leader
Influence 20 and Determination 20
Charismatic Leader
Influence 20, Determination ,Sportsmanship and Temperament 18+
Determination 18+, Professional <18
Determination 20, Professional <15 one other stat 15+
Fairly Ambitious
Ambition 15+, Determination <15, Professional <15
Fairly Determined
Determination 15+, Professional <15
Fairly Loyal
Loyalty 15+, Ambition, Determination and Professional <15
Fairly Professional
Determination <15, Professional 15+
Fairly Sporting
Ambition, Determination, Loyalty and Professional <15, Sporting 15+
Sporting 20, Determination and Professional <20
Iron Willed
Pressure and Determination 20 Ambition, Loyalty and Professional <20
Pressure 15+, Temperament 10+, ambition, Sporting and professionalism <15
Influence 20, Temperament <18,
Light Hearted
Ambition, Loyalty, Pressure, Professional and Sportsmanship 15-17 and Temperament 10+
Loyalty 18+, ambition <15
Model Professional
Professional 20
Ambition, Determination and Professionalism 18+
Professional 18+, Determination and loyalty <18
Determination and Pressure 18+
Determination and Professional 15+
Medium Loyalty, Medium Pressure, medium/low professional
Sporting 18+ Determination <18
Very Ambitious
Ambition 20, determination, professional and loyalty <15
Very loyal
Loyalty 20, ambition and professional ,18
Mark人問題 (如果各位玩full match / extended 都應該會研究到)
快fc st 一定要closing down never ,
翼及amc closing down always + tight mark always 左翼左腳及右翼右腳要 weaker feet
對人地個dc 同 keeper closing down always ..但要配合自己fc closing down whole pitch
自己dc 同 dr/l 最好 set closing down own area , 翼 whole pitch , 如果有2個cm/amc/dmc . 一個whole pitch 一個own half, fc 有1個以上就輪住來whole pitch (用來令人地d dc / gk 容易出錯)
def : 成日交地波比人地fc , hold 波太耐比人地fc搶 , 玩埋d唔等駛o既blackpass比gk
gk : 又係shortpass 比對手 , 係禁區外學巴夫斯係到帶波過人
原因: creative freedom or mentality set 太高
首先係Influence+determination,之後再睇decisions, work rate 及 bravery ,仲要睇埋佢年齡同埋人際關係
比賽後media 問球員表現
Don’t get carried away - 用於季初d youngstars ,或表現一般而你認為可以更好o既keyplayers
Pleased and hope to maintain his form - 多數會刺激到佢日後o既表現...
First name on my team sheet -對大部分人都有用...不過如果知道佢應付壓力唔好o既人..會有反效果..
相反..用narrow pass 就用窄d
玩tampo quick 就用長d個球場..
玩slow 就用短d
如果 scout 佢個dangerman 個 personality 係 model professionals, driven or highly determined
一定唔好同佢玩media .. 例如對klose 玩...佢會講 thank you with a brace ...反而仲激死你
呢個方法對crisis 同 低 determine o既人好有用..
Pre-match (media)
We are in a good form and can win this - 用於自己隊波一直保持好賽果同自己係o個場熱門
They can cause us problems - 用於自己熱門,對於自己隊波d球員冇咩信心o個時用
Just want a good performance - 自己冇咩機會or只求和o個時用..幫球員減壓..有時會帶來好結果
You can see your team winning anyway - 自己係榜頭幾名..對家尾個幾名可以用..不過會增加對家個manager對你反感機會
No comment - 當自己隊10個有9件係superb ... 冇謂攪咁多野啦! 就用呢個
Pre-match team talks
Tell the players they can win this game - 係賠率大家差唔多o既時候用 基本上都係成日home game 用
Wish the team luck for the match ahead - 個賠率好明顯自己有3-5倍..同隊波講,1分就夠晒..唔駛太在意勝負
Tell the players you expect them to win the match - 當對面個賠率有3賠以上用..好明確咁要佢地win
Tell the players to do this for the supporters - 雖然你個ass mananger (asshole manager )成日用,不過真係唔好成日用,用they can win/
expect them to win , 呢個最好係d finial 到用.用得多..球員會對d fans 冇feel .....
Tell the players there is no pressure on them today - 有3個用法..一係未打都知道自己輸足9成 一係friendly用..最後就係之前打左
Half-time team talks
Show your anger at the team/I expect nothing else then a win - 對一隊賠率高過你球隊係上半場落後/平手個時用
Disappointed/I want to see more from you - 對比自己弱隊..係上半場只係入多人地1粒個時用
You can win today - 對強隊落後緊1粒個時用
Sympathize - 你隊波有好表現唔好彩落後o個時用
Pleased - 半場領先2球或以上用
Thrilled - 對面1粒都入唔到..自己入3粒以上用
Show encouragement to the team (如有) - 對強隊係上半場領先用
Don’t let your performance drop (如有) - 對強隊領先+自己球場有突出表現用
Pleased at the performance (如有) - 對波有好表現..只係射極都唔入or 只係入1粒o個時用
For the fans - 同Tell the players to do this for the supporters
Go out and enjoy the rest of the game/The pressure is off - 同Tell the players there is no pressure on them today一樣
Pre-match / Half-time team talks (對指定球員)
Having faith - pre match當你有個重要球員個morale係半場時人人都very good / superb ..得佢一個特別係只有good / 以下時用..好多時都會變superb
- half time 對於表現唔好o既人用..比起用angry / disappointed 比較正面
Pick up where you left off! - 個球員係上一場有8分/以上,reserves 比賽都計...就會有得用呢個.不過佢morale 係good/以下用會有反效果
Angry - 係上半場踢得好差..不過 morale 仲係very good 以上可以用..只係用係professional, determined o既球員身上好啦..如果唔係有反效果
Disappointed - 同angry 差唔多
No pressure - 對新人第一次打first team , 新轉會球員 , 大傷復出球員用...幫佢地減壓
Expect better - 上一場得6分.. 而佢個morale 都幾好o既情況下用
Delighted with recent form - 個球員呢幾場唔係9分就10分個時用
Pleased with recent form - 唔係8分就9分個時用
Recent form is acceptable - d 重心球員 唔係7分就8分用..叫佢地打好d
Recent form is below par - 對重心球員 .. 唔係6就7個時用..全7都可以用..因為全7對d keyplayer 來講都係差o既表現
Disappointed with recent form - 對全6 o既重心球員用 不過唔好對ambitious低o既人用
Deeply upset with recent form - 終極激將法..
紅牌 2星期
missing training 2星期(如果可能成年o既...一定會..因為呢d人留係到都冇用..好多時隊波會有人憎佢)
preformance5分 keyplayers 就1星期 , 其他人..比個warning 就ok
preformance4分 keyplayers 就2星期 , 其他人一個星期
最後提一下大家..自己個favoured club 係會影響 favoured club o既 rivals 對你o既態度
如果你成日要問英超四大借人..千其唔好set佢地其中一個做favoured ..如果唔係其他3家
[ 本帖最後由 bbrjcc 於 2007-12-31 02:55 AM 編輯 ] |