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Rambo 熱血回歸

發表於 2008-1-25 15:22:58 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
原帖由 橙色力量 於 2007-6-3  08:39 PM 發表

所以,我們不能怪荷李活    的英雄眷戀神位不捨。夏里遜福幾年前在《夢幻雙雄》(Hollywood Homicide)已經跑不動了,明年的Indiana Jones第4集,不給《奪寶奇兵》的巨石輾成肉餅才怪。《虎膽龍威4》今年暑假來了,第一齣《虎》在1988年,一個「鄰家警察」John McClane,竟然先後遇上4次恐怖襲擊!湯告魯斯    在《職業特工隊》演Ethan,其自我陶醉實在教人吃不消,但也比不上史泰龍在《第一滴血4》那麼可怕。此片明年公映,網上預告片令人啞口無言,其嗜血成狂、品味低劣,像粗製濫造的B片。Rambo 60高齡,甚至不敢再赤膊示人。無巧不成話,Rambo對上一集也剛好是1988年。

原帖由 FlyingDonkey 於 2007-6-3  09:37 PM 發表
Rambo IV

John Rambo 的 trailer, 我見不到 Rocky Balboa 的質樸
反而是 crossover 近年好萊塢恐怖片的變態

原帖由 橙色力量 於 2007-6-3  10:12 PM 發表

想不到Bad guys竟是和平新大國的忠實盟友。

原帖由 FlyingDonkey 於 2007-6-4  01:25 AM 發表

Hit, Hit, Hit

可能見 Saw 等收得嘗試恐怖血腥片新路向
不過, 一定不會有如Rocky 一般期待

原帖由 橙色力量 於 2007-6-4  11:35 AM 發表

1. Kill, Kill, Kill (如果把此片轉為黑白,再將菲林舊化,再將緬甸改成日本,我會以為那是太平洋戰爭時的美軍內部宣傳片)


3. 只好當它是《喜瑪拉雅星》

美國星期六上了, 香港還會遠麼

[ 本帖最後由 FlyingDonkey 於 2008-3-24  04:27 PM 編輯 ]
 樓主| 發表於 2008-1-25 15:23:39 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-1-25 15:24:02 | 顯示全部樓層





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 樓主| 發表於 2008-1-25 15:32:04 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-13 22:54:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 橙色力量 於 2007-6-3  10:12 PM 發表

想不到Bad guys竟是和平新大國的忠實盟友。

Stallone on a Mission
Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008 By JOEL STEIN

Sylvester Stallone has memorized a lot of Procol Harum lyrics, and for the next two minutes I'm going to hear them. Because if you want to know what inspires a man to write a movie in which hundreds of people are blown up and which, by his own estimate, contains only three pages of dialogue between the two main characters, apparently you have to listen to the lyrics of a psychedelic 1968 song called In Held 'Twas in I: Glimpses of Nirvana. This is the song that made Stallone want to be a writer, which is surprising because while it contains one Zen koan and mentions the Dalai Lama three times, it does not allude to firing a rocket launcher through a helicopter window.

The 61-year-old actor is explaining why he made this Rambo, which seems like a dumb career move after 2006's Rocky Balboa. Stallone—pretty much hitless since the 1980s, when he was one of the biggest box-office draws in the world—wrote, directed and starred in the sixth installment of that dead franchise and emerged with a critical and commercial success. Rocky Balboa was a touching, honest, personal look at longing for past glory; Stallone held off from pandering so much that it didn't even have a training montage. But Rambo—the fourth one, and the first in 20 years—is a movie without apology for the foreign markets that still adore him: Rambo quickly gets talked into saving captured missionaries in Burma, and then Rambo kicks ass—age and the physics of ballistics be damned.

Sure, Stallone agreed to do the movie before Rocky Balboa was approved, but that doesn't mean he didn't find something to say. Like Procol Harum, Stallone is not afraid of metaphor, of being opaque, of answering some questions with questions and other questions with a hail of bullets. What he wanted to say in the new Rambo came down to one smart speech: "Old men start wars. Young men fight them. And everyone in the middle gets killed. War is natural. Peace is an accident. We're animals." Stallone eventually cut all that dialogue out because Rambo is a silent man, and blurting out your thesis is for college papers, not movies.

No one remembers this, but First Blood, the first Rambo movie, about a Vietnam vet with massive posttraumatic stress disorder who winds up shooting up a small American town, is an antiwar movie. The second Rambo—the glossy action movie loved by many, including President Reagan—is about a vet who goes back to Vietnam and wins, freeing a bunch of pows. The new Rambo is supposed to be back in the antiwar camp. "What I was trying to say is that nothing changes. The world will never come together and say we are one," Stallone says, smoking a cigar and wearing a tight Army-green shirt in his Beverly Hills office, which is decorated with some paintings of Rocky that he made. "Rambo thought he would have accomplished something with all he's given. I think about the lifelong police officer who retires after 50 years, and crime is up. He's gotten hurt, he's lost his wife, and what has he accomplished? Crime is up."

The guy who created Rocky is a cheery pessimist who believes that despite an ugly world, you can make incredible things happen with great effort. "Rocky represents the optimistic side of life, and Rambo represents purgatory," he says. The world, Rambo realizes, is perpetually chaotic and dangerous. "If you think people are inherently good, you get rid of the police for 24 hours—see what happens," Stallone says. "I could start a war in 30 seconds. But some countries spend 100 years trying to find peace. Just like good manners, peace has to be learned." So, after reading about the unrest in Burma in Soldier of Fortune magazine (You thought he subscribed to Better Homes and Gardens?), Stallone decided to set the film in Burma, shooting in Thailand and struggling to cast real Burmese, many of whom feared reprisals against family in their home country. Stallone says he regularly got threats from people associated with the Burmese government. "They were like my wake-up calls," he says. "They were very polite. 'This film will not be made, and if it is, people will be killed.'" He borrowed a Thai princess's armored vehicle to travel to the set, and at one point, people who worked with him on the movie say, he wanted to drop the project entirely.

Unlike the rest of Hollywood, Stallone was smart enough to make an antiwar movie that's not about the Middle East. And he wasn't about to make a pro-Iraq-war film; 2004 was the first year he didn't vote for a Republican presidential candidate, even though the man was born on the same day as he was and has pecs almost as big. Stallone's particularly galled by Bush's tough talk. "You see Bush, and you see the obstinacy and the arrogance. Go out there and ride in a humvee 10 times, and then I'll listen to you. Take the ride. Have your bowels go into a square knot. Then I'll respect you." Stallone is awesome at tough talk.

Of course, the futility of war isn't what you think about when you're watching an hour of bad-guy heads popping off in the latest Rambo, the most violent of the series. In fact, it's not even what Avi Lerner, one of the film's producers, saw in it. "This is the Rambo that makes America feel good about what he's doing," Lerner says. "This time it's a Rambo that's saving the world."

But the character, Stallone thinks, has always been misunderstood, even by Reagan. "I never saw Rambo as a Republican," Stallone says, though he liked the President too much to make an issue of it. "We watched Escape to Victory on folding chairs in the White House. It was really makeshift. You had a better sound system in your pickup truck." Rambo, he says, is underestimated emotionally and intellectually, just because he doesn't so much talk as use his voice like a car horn to warn or scare others. "In a film like Rambo, the more he speaks, the less interesting he is. It's much harder to play than Rocky," he says. Milo Ventimiglia, who played Rocky's son in the last movie, says he was impressed with how detail-oriented and self-assured Stallone was as both a director and an actor. "Maybe there were a little too many bullets in some of the movies or too much blood in other ones, but you saw a performer. And when I got to witness the process of a creative person knowing exactly what he wants to do, I was blown away. To me, he's an artist."

Playing a guy who acts with only his eyes and his biceps is harder than playing a fast-talking, earnest boxer, especially on a 61-year-old body. Which was one of the reasons Stallone wanted to do it. He pumped up to a freakish 209 lbs. (95 kg); in Rambo II he weighed only 168 (76 kg). And, he insists, he did it without steroids, though with the help of a prescription testosterone. "HGH [human growth hormone] is nothing. Anyone who calls it a steroid is grossly misinformed," he says. "Testosterone to me is so important for a sense of well-being when you get older. Everyone over 40 years old would be wise to investigate it because it increases the quality of your life. Mark my words. In 10 years it will be over the counter." He was in such great shape, it freaked out his co-star, Julie Benz. "I'm a runner. I sprint. And I'm extremely competitive. And he blew past me every time. And he doesn't run at all. He's that focused," she says.

So the meaning of Rambo, really, comes just from the act of making it. "This was a physical tour de force," Stallone says. David Morrell, who wrote the novel that Rambo is based on, says Stallone has been thinking of the character this way for years. "Sly phoned me two years ago and said he thought [the postmovie] Rambo would be working with scrap metal from the Vietnam era, and the metaphor was that he's a salvager and was trying to salvage his life. Sly is very big on metaphors," he says.

Is the return to Rambo a sign of a last-quarter-life crisis? It's less of a sign than what's under Stallone's right sleeve. Yesterday, he says, he finished his tattoo, and it's not subtle. It's a huge, color-saturated portrait of his wife surrounded by three roses (the middle name of each of his three daughters is Rose) and looked over by a tiger (apparently, Rocky was fond of tiger eyes). "When people read about this, they'll go 'Tattoo?' But after a certain age it takes on a different meaning," he says. "You get your first tattoo at 61, you realize, what [event] are you saving it for?"

[ 本帖最後由 FlyingDonkey 於 2008-2-13  10:56 PM 編輯 ]

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發表於 2008-2-14 23:30:42 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 FlyingDonkey 於 2008-2-13  10:54 PM 發表

Stallone on a Mission
Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008 By JOEL STEIN

Sylvester Stallone has memorized a lot of Procol Harum lyrics, and fo ...

so honest
i start to respect you.

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-24 16:27:40 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2008-3-24 17:02:14 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-24 20:04:10 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ken809 於 2008-3-24  05:02 PM 發表


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 樓主| 發表於 2008-4-6 02:28:11 | 顯示全部樓層
《 Rambo 熱 血 回 歸 》 殺 入 緬 甸 史 泰 龍 阿 伯 戰 士 打 不 死            列印             E-mail


史泰 龍 ( Sylvester Stallone ) 「 天 真 」 與 「 儍 」 的 程 度 , 比 一 些 本 地 女 星 還 要 嚴重 ︰ 就 算 樣 貌 不 復 當 年 , 身 形 脹 爆 , 但 他 還 堅 持 將 自 己 的 英 雄 角 色 演 下 去 。 前 年 《洛 奇 : 拳 王 再 臨 》 ( Rocky Balboa ) 爆 冷 成 功 , 促 使 他 自 編 自 導 自 演 招 牌 角 色 Rambo 第 四 集 《 Rambo 熱 血 回 歸 》 ( Rambo ) , 未 理 那 位 不 畏 強 權 的 肌 肉 戰 士 , 今天 已 年 屆 花 甲 。

自 首 集 《 第 一 滴 血 》 ( First Blood ) 於 1982 年 面 世 後 , Rambo 這 名 字 已 成 「 熱 血 」 與 「 大 隻 」 的 代 名 詞 , 在銀 幕 上 Rambo 從 美 國 打 到 越 南 再 打 到 阿 富 汗 , 但 隨 着 國 際 政 治 氣 候 轉 變 , Rambo 也完 成 了 歷 史 任 務 , 史 泰 龍 分 析 88 年 第 三 集 失 敗 的 原 因 ︰ 「 雖 然 故 事 有 好 的 理 念 ,但 那 時 適 逢 冷 戰 結 束 , 俄 軍 退 兵 , 人 們 和 傳 媒 普 遍 不 大 留 意 阿 富 汗 政 局 、 游 擊 隊 或是 塔 利 班 之 類 , 總 之 就 是 引 不 起 觀 眾 注 意 。 」 不 過 在 今 次 的 第 四 集 , 史 泰 龍 堅 持 要以 較 冷 門 和 被 人 忽 略 的 緬 甸 人 權 問 題 作 題 材 。

拯 救 傳 教 士

將於 下 月 10 日 上 映 的 第 四 集 , 故 事 相 距 上 集 廿 年 之 後 , 隱 居 泰 國 北 部 已 久 的 Rambo , 每 天 以 打 魚 捕 蛇 為 生 , 早 就 不 問 世 事 、 也 決 心 不 再 打 鬥 , 然 而 在 附 近 的 泰 緬 邊 界, 緬 甸 與 克 倫 族 的 內 戰 已 打 了 整 整 60 年 。 某 天 以 莎 拉 ( 茱 莉 賓 士 Julie Benz 飾 )及 米 高 ( 保 羅 舒 茲 Paul Schulze 飾 ) 為 首 的 一 群 傳 教 士 去 到 當 地 , 希 望 Rambo 為他 們 引 路 , 以 避 開 軍 方 投 放 的 地 雷 , 把 糧 食 物 資 和 聖 經 施 贈 克 倫 族 人 , Rambo 勉 為其 難 答 應 , 豈 料 兩 星 期 後 , 一 眾 傳 士 竟 被 緬 甸 軍 囚 禁 , Rambo 於 是 籌 錢 聘 用 了 一 班 僱 傭 兵 幫 忙 , 再 次 踏 足 戰 區 作 出 拯 救 。
為了 令 電 影 更 富 真 實 感 , 今 次 劇 組 在 泰 國 北 部 招 募 大 量 配 角 , 史 泰 龍 說 : 「 我 要 找 克倫 族 和 緬 甸 人 來 試 鏡 , 不 一 定 要 職 業 演 員 , 卻 一 定 要 熟 悉 內 戰 , 當 中 有 克 倫 族 難 民、 斷 手 斷 腳 的 村 民 、 地 雷 受 害 者 和 前 緬 甸 士 兵 。 」 雖 然 語 言 不 通 , 令 史 泰 龍 導 演 時增 添 難 度 , 但 Rambo 的 影 響 力 超 乎 想 像 , 連 當 地 沒 有 電 影 的 地 方 , 居 民 都 知 道 Rambo 是 誰 。
今 次 為 找 Rambo 的 替 身 , 劇 組 找 了 數 百 人 試 鏡 , 他 們 發 現 泰 緬難 民 , 以 至 落 後 山 區 村 落 的 族 人 都 認 識 Rambo , 有 些 人 更 是 邊 避 難 , 邊 偷 偷 看 Rambo 的 戲 。

話 你 知 : 當 地 工 作 人 員 遭 迫 害

今次 不 少 當 地 工 作 人 員 , 乃 緬 甸 戰 亂 的 真 實 受 害 者 , 參 與 此 戲 更 有 可 能 遭 到 報 復 。 扮演 大 奸 角 緬 甸 少 校 Major Tint 的 演 員 Muang Muang Khin , 親 眼 目 睹 1988 年 大 屠殺 慘 劇 , 遂 加 入 「 克 倫 族 國 家 聯 盟 」 對 抗 緬 甸 , 他 說 ︰ 「 我 知 道 此 戲 公 映 後 要 低 調一 點 , 避 開 緬 甸 情 報 人 員 , 我 已 有 被 報 復 的 心 理 準 備 。 」 扮 演 緬 甸 海 盜 頭 目 的 資 深歌 手 Sai Mhong , 也 吃 了 緬 甸 軍 方 不 少 苦 頭 , 結 果 劇 組 都 盡 量 把 當 地 台 前 幕 後 人 員的 身 份 保 密 。

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-8-11 23:03:32 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-11-6 21:05:31 | 顯示全部樓層
兩代動作明星史泰龍、傑森·斯坦森將聯手 - [電影快訊]

西爾維斯特·史泰龍(Sylvester Stallone)和傑森·斯坦森(Jason Statham)這兩代動作明星將攜手主演由史泰龍自編自導的影片《犧牲品》(The Expendables),華人動作明星李連杰也正在商談加盟事宜。


該片明年2月將在哥斯達黎加開拍,之後還將到路易斯安那取景。另外該片也是史泰龍和Nu Image/Millennium Films公司兩部協議影片之一,另一部將是《蘭博》(Rambo)系列的第五集,今年該系列的第四集取得了1億5500萬美元的全球票房。

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 樓主| 發表於 2009-8-31 20:00:44 | 顯示全部樓層
史泰龍將自導自演《蘭博5》 - [電影快訊]

Nu Image/Millennium Films電影公司日前批准了史泰龍(Sylvester Stallone)拍攝《蘭博5》(Rambo)的計劃,傳奇英雄蘭博(John Rambo)又要歸來了!



Nu Image/Millennium Films電影公司與史泰龍有良好的合作關係,史泰龍正在後期製作的《犧牲品》(Expendables)也是他們製作的,該片集結了傑森·斯坦森(Jason Statham)、李連杰(Jet Li)、米奇·洛克(Mickey Rourke)等眾多影星,將於明年4月23日上映。

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 樓主| 發表於 2009-8-31 20:04:21 | 顯示全部樓層
Rambo 5

可以要求更文藝的的Rocky VII  麼

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