First off, today is the third round of the BuzzerBeater's Best. The most eagerly-anticipated games come to latest today, as highlights include the world championship-winning coach of JoYo visiting Brasil to take on Borobia Stars, winners of the last two Spanish championships Granada Stars taking on the only championship winner in Canadian history BC Törööö, and in the last game of the day, a team with three German trophies ESV Laim against three-time USA cup winners Chicago Bulls. Of course, only 32 teams will remain after today, so they're all tough at this point.
Also, we'd like to remind you about the rules regarding purchases. A few teams have thought about trading players by buying each other's players on the open market. You are allowed to buy each other's players at market rates. However, you are not allowed to buy each other's players at an inflated price, and if you do so, you will be fined the difference between the inflated price and fair market value. Any transaction that looks like a trade will be scrutinized more carefully than others, so make sure you are only buying players at market prices if you wish to exchange them. However, you are of course allowed to buy each other's players at market prices.
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