樓主 |
發表於 2009-11-6 15:17:40
原帖由 懶訓豬 於 2009-11-6 03:05 PM 發表 
其實唔一定組成16隊才成立新國家聯賽 - -
我哋商議之後,你英文咁 ...
I can do that and request for GM tonite.
Also, we will need to check if we can transfer our teams to Macau league, if GM can make Macau League.
To be honest, I would like to have our own country league, with macau players, but also, I enjoyed my play time in HK league, since many teams are friendly to us. e.g. Fred
I keep you inform about the status and let's see we can make it. I will also send message to all macau teams that i know of, and keep them informed.
By the way, do you know of any other Macau teams ? if so, please post. Thanks man !