發表於 2010-5-18 20:36:07
回復 12# Yukoo 的帖子
I don't usually reply to fake accuses, but I think I should say something here.
1. By playing in Hk and having a daughter playing in Macau, two different leagues, can't make it cheating or unfairness. However, selling players from one account to another using unreasonable price, or playing fake games like letting someone weaker to win, then IT IS CHEATING. So, don't differentiate one another.
2. The only reason why I got attacked in here and in hoops China, obviously different username but same person, is because this person asked me to use my IP to make a fake account in Macau league, but I denied to do so.
So, by not helping cheaters to make fake account will not make me a cheater. I'm so happy that I didn't help that person to make a fake account in Macau League, and please feel free to accuse me for anything you can think of, since, I don't give a damn.
Lastly, I enjoyed playing in HK league very much and many teams are very friendly, specially Fred who helped me since the 1st day I start playing BB, and Tommygun, spring and many many others who shared my ups and downs in the game. I'm not sure how they think of me, but I treated them as my friend.
For Wanaka Warrior, I do respect him like I respect any other HK teams. The reason why I want to play with him and surpass him is because he is the legend. I think many people would like to challenge him too, but please don't take it as an offense of anyways and I'm sure we all wanna be No. 1 someday and be legend ourselves.
From now on, I won't reply to this nonsense anymore, not here not any other forums.
Thank you all for your attention. |