發表於 2010-9-26 13:23:42
a complete trainning is 48mins in related position
if your player is playing 42mins in that position, for example you are trainning INSIDE DEFENCE for Centre position only
he will obtain trainning effect in INSIDE DEFENCE in that week, but not 100% (skills related to INSIDE DEFENCE will be trainned also)
trainning minutes per week are accumulated, that means your player needs to play 6mins in Centre for complete trainning.
but he won't grow up faster if he played more than 48mins
so you need to take great care in the time management.
league, cup matches and frdly matches are to be counted for trainning.
trainning update is every Friday, in short, just ensure your target player to play 48mins in your desire trainning position before every Friday.
for the trainner, replace lv5 asap is recommended |