發表於 2004-7-27 23:35:49
[QUOTE=利物浦王子=奧雲]如果你真的很想買那球員, 可以用Free Transfer秘技, 雖然有D賤, 但你可以用一個自己認為合理的價格去買人, 這是我之前的post :
這是我在gamespot.com看到的Free Transfer Cheats. 只是給大家
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轉載from gamespot.com :
buying player for free in cm 03/04
This is a bug in cm 03/04 v4.11 untill 4.15 . First , you need to negotiate an offer with the club of the player you want to buy. then click on the offer negotiate screen. Dont accept or make any bid first . go to other screen (like squad , competition etc.). Then, click News and you will see the offer negotiation news , click on Respond and make how much you wish (like $0 ) , then make a new bid . Click Back button to the first negotiation screen and you will see the price they gave become the offer you make and below is the button of Accecpt Demand . Click on accept demand.
姐係點 |