Originally posted by 杰少仔 at 2005-1-22 01:08 AM:
入router,去firewall個版forward 5190 port(預設icq forward port)<---
Proxy Settings個度,set "Using Firewall Not using Proxy"
i donno where
is it?
which one?
and i saw other方法
1. 在 Rounter Virtual Server 中 set TCP
Port rouge 如:
Computer 1: 20000 - 22000
Computer 2: 30000 - 32000
(ICQ設定由 1024 - 65535 的 TCP
Port 作 Incoming Event 之用)
2. ICQ port
ICQ --> Preferences --> Connection --> Server
Not use Firewall and Keep connection
HOST login.icq.com (見圖1)
Computer 1 : Port 20000
Computer 2
: Port 30000
3. ICQ Incoming Event
ICQ --> Preferences --> Connection --> User --> User to User
Advanced Users 中 click Not using Proxy (見圖2)
and Use the following TCP listen port
for incoming event
Computer 1 : Form : 20000 To: 22000
Computer 2 : Form : 30000 To: 32000
0 - 1023 的 TCP Port)
but in PCI...Virtual Server just have
通訊協定 : TCP/UDP
對外連接埠號 :
IP位址 : . . .
對內連接埠號 :