義大利GP排位賽結果出爐,McLaren車手Kimi Raikkonen以1分20秒878拿下竿位,他也是在場所有車手中,唯一打破1分21秒時間的車手。但令Kimi車迷失望的是,他再度因更換引擎而被大會判罰退後10個順位,明天的決賽他將從第11位起跑。McLaren車手Juan Pablo Montoya則以1分21秒054的時間位居第二。Renault車手Fernando Alonso以1分21秒319位居第三。Alonso作出的時間雖然只能排在第三,但他卻作出全場最高速359.5km,拿下第一席位的Kimi僅355.7km而Montoya也不過356.3km。
One of the most remarkable things about the race was the fact that every single driver got to the finish – despite Monza’s well-deserved reputation as a car-breaker - the first race with no retirements since 1961.
Originally posted by Hakkinen at 2005-9-4 23:17:
One of the most remarkable things about the race was the fact that every single driver got to the finish – despite Monza’s well-deserved reputation as a car-breaker - the first race with no retir ...