發表於 2005-9-11 22:08:44
First of all, I'm super fans CM/FM as well, but since I downloaded this FifaManager06 which made me so surprising!
This game merged the system of FM plus the graphic of Winning Eleven (maybe a little worse than winning but not much!).
1) Graphic:The 3D match engine has improved alot in compasion of the previous CM series which is much realistic. To compare with FM 2D, Fifa 3D is absoutely by pass the old style of 2D graphic...
To give the score of involved the game watch(Fun+Realistic) plus grahpic.
Score: FM2005/FifaManager 6/9
2) Player status: Before TCM only got like 5 status such as Acceleration, Pace, Shooting Accuracy and 2 others I forgot, but now, it covers as much as FM got (you could say it copies from FM )
But the database involved in FM which is more realistic than Fifa. The official announce that the total amout of Fifa players are around 20000 which is less than FM.
To give the score of involved database & player status
Score: FM2005/FifaManager 9/7
3) Game speed: As the datebase of Fifa is much smaller than FM, as a result of speed is much faster. In demo (Completed version could be different...)
the loading time of every single day is around 10-15 sec in Fifa, which FM took around a min of loading.
Score:FM2005/FifaManager 5/8(Could be lower score)
In conclusion, exact the database, overall of gameplay of Fifa brings a fresh light of the game of soccer manager. The 3D match is by far the best watchable through all the soccer manager games. Anyway, I should stop here and gives you guys a go and judge by yourself 
PS: Sorry about my poor english since my chinese typing is horribly slow... |