發表於 2005-11-18 15:28:32
PWTorch Newsletter (Subscription available www.pwtorch.com)
-- In the latest PWTorch newsletter, editor Wade Keller states quite bluntly that there is apparently a top wrestler wrestling in the WWE today who's considered to be on an "unofficial death watch". He doesn't go on to further elaborate on who this wrestler is, but he does go on to mention how people need to do what it takes to keep him alive, even at the "expense of box office receipts, storyline interruptions" and more.
-- The deathwatch, which is apparently no secret to most within WWE, is still possibly unknown to Vince McMahon, who would need to be informed. The un-named wrestler, should he pass away, would make the coverage of the shocking and tragic news this week of the passing of Eddie Guerrero look minor by comparison, due to his credentials.
PWTorch Newsletter (全文可見 www.pwtorch.com)
根據PWTorch Newsletter的最新消息,編輯Wade Keller坦承有一名現今WWE的頂級巨星正處於沒有確定的瀕臨死亡的狀態。他沒有再詳細說明究竟是哪名巨星,但是他提到了人們有多需要做些事來挽救他的生命,即使是犧牲票房,暫時打斷劇情。
對這名巨星的臨終看護,顯然對WWE的工作人員來說已經不是什麽秘密了,但是應該被通知的Vince McMahon可能還不知道此事,這名未被透漏姓名的巨星如果沒有挽救回來,將會是既Eddie不幸故去後的另一慘劇,而且根據他爲WWE做出的貢獻可能令Eddie去世的消息都顯得相形見绌。
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