The most valuable is the certificate of authenticity. It stated the product is unique in nature. You paid this price, you get back the promise from seller. I think subside won't disappoint buyer.
All the matchworn, signed shirt must have authentic & approval certificate, if you want to keep the collectable as a store of value item. Otherwise, how can those products seperate from replica and sell such a high price?
For Arsenal that one...........may be type wrong number
原帖由 kimi188 於 2007-11-20 03:58 PM 發表
The most valuable is the certificate of authenticity. It stated the product is unique in nature. You paid this price, you get back the promise from seller. I think subside won't disappoint buyer.
All ...
i understand your point in RM shirt and i am totally agree with that......but in my view, this shirt's price is comparatively too high for such "UNiQUE" nature shirt...
FOr Arsenal shirt, i also hope it's the fault made by the seller, but i fee so..... when i see the dialog from the next reply post