客队有数次破门取得领先良机,尤其是当 Zeng Seng Hwee 悄无声息地窜入禁区,直接面对 Andy DeJean,主队门将仅凭反射性反应把球挡出。 [right]
Kam had a brilliant opportunity to reply as Gregory Shames received a high ball from the right, striking the ball in the air. Only Jurek Niedziółka's reflexes saved him.
The most controversial moment of the game was likely the penalty in the 78th minute. McLaren's Chin Shung Kun kept his concentration, despite the upset crowd, and calmly put the ball past the keeper to score the 1 - 2 goal for the visitors.
79 分钟: He 的 He Hou Kang 一记远射力道猛,角度刁钻,门将根本无法可施,只好垂头丧气从网窝内捡球, 4 - 0。