第 52 分钟,主队门将与中后卫之间发生误解, He Hou Kang 及时出现在禁区内的空档冷静低射把球打进网, 0 - 4。
hongkong08 - Depor_HK (59 minute(s) played) 1 - 6 [Delete]
58 minutes: Wong Yongde increased the visitors' lead by putting a volley shot away on a pass from the right. 1 - 6.
原帖由 vetefan2 於 2006-8-26 03:44 PM 發表
hongkong08 - Depor_HK (59 minute(s) played) 1 - 6
58 minutes: Wong Yongde increased the visitors' lead by putting a volley shot away on a pass from the right. 1 - 6.