The Best of Dragon Ash with Changes Vol.1
01. For divers area
02. 天使ノロック
03. Ability→Normal
04. Cowboy ****!
05. Fever
06. Face to Face
07. Invitation (Buzz Mix)
08. Under Age's Song (Album Mix)
09. Melancholy
10. 陽はまたのぼりくりかえす
11. I ? HIP HOP
12. Freedom of Expression
13. Drugs can't kill teens
14. Let yourself go, Let myself go
15. Dark cherries
16. Viva la revolution
The Best of Dragon Ash with Changes Vol.2
01. Deep Impact feat.Rappagariya
02. 百合の咲く場所で
03. 静かな日々の階段を(e.p. ver)
04. Life goes on
05. Fantasista
06. Patience
07. Morrow
08. Episode 4 feat.SHUN, SHIGEO from SBK
09. Canvas
10. Crush the window
11. Palmas Rock feat.UZI-ONE from Aggressive Dogs
12. 夕凪Union
13. Ivory
14. El Alma feat.SHINJI TAKEDA
15. few lights till night
16. 夢で逢えたら
17. wipe your eyes feat. Kaori Mochida from ELT