樓主 |
發表於 2008-2-22 22:15:08
Mok Weiwu (1076384) renards casadéens
Pun Wing Ning (2422233) MATTAM
Yip Boon Long (3222708) Love_Cherry
Hung Say Yen (2455287) Feny
Tse Tze Peng (2445726) Silverback Apes
Tung Huang (2673054) Love to Drink
So Haotian (2205096) Hongky Warriors
Hon Wai Kuen (2309042) Fortitudo Barzago
Lung Jen Hwa (3218450) Mrfluke
Sha Guan Hee (2553707) Toy Story
Cheung Peng Cheng (2600031) IT TAKES 5IVE
Poon Wie Soo (1076378) art united
Lo Gun Ho (2403861) Dream Rooney
Poon Tsuen Yuan (2567648) Snoopy Destiny
Lee Swee Loon (2567656) Snoopy Destiny
Ko Wing Yiu (3220236) I.C.B.C.
The final squad will be confirmed in a few hours to make sure all countries have finished the training update. Below is the prelimary squad for now.
Players chosen are mainly based on skills and form, other factors such as experience and versatility are also taken into consideration. We need to make sure we have different players to play in different tatics.
16 players are chosen with 2 empty spots for emergencies such as injuries and lost of form. The reason for the 2 empty spots is because enthusiam will decrease for every player dropped from the national team.
There are some players I came across who have great potential. Please don't hesitate to let me know if they improve in the future and I could add them to the reserve list (for the 2 empty spots if needed).
其實個國家隊領隊識中文, 仲有球員train緊既話可以post上去試下, 不過記住優秀技能以上先好post  |