發表於 2010-5-29 17:12:36
change the Default Prediction Type to one which shows the number of central players in your formation:
(eg: for 3-5-2 with
1CD, 3IMs & 2Fs > choose 1D-3IM-2F,
2CD, 3IMs & 2Fs > choose 2D-3IM-2F, etc)
number of central players Defender Midfield Forward
1 +3.6% 0.0% +5.5%
2 0.0% -6.5% 0.0%
3 -9.5% -17.3% -13.6%
ie. 352 in 1D+3M+2F +3.6% -17.3% 0.0%
Overall (done, table above):
- Central defenders and forwards get a boost. This boost amounts to the contribution loss for two central players. Note that this is not true for defensive forwards (see below).
Playmaking (done -12.3%):
- Wingers, central defenders and def forwards will lose some playmaking (due to the reason mentioned above).
Passing (done -almost all %bonus passing in center, +10% on side pass):
- Technical defensive forwards will also make less use of their passing skills in the middle, but use a bit more to the sides. As the wording suggests, the loss is bigger than the gain.
- Non-technical defensive forwards will contribute the same as technical ones to central attack, but not as much as technicals to the sides (done)
Winger (done +10%):
- Wingers, wing backs and forwards (especially TW) will make a bit more use out their winger skill, with the exception of wing backs towards middle (done -5%) who will make less. (removed for IMTW and CDTW)
- Offensive & defensive wingers will use some more of their defending skill (done +5%).
- Central defenders towards wing will contribute more with their defending to the wing (done +5%)
- Defensive wing backs will lose a bit of their defence in the middle (done -5%).
- Keepers will contribute slightly less with their keeper skill, affecting both sides and middle (done -5%). |