樓主 |
發表於 2012-1-11 00:43:42
There is a poignant moment in Provided You Don't Kiss Me in which Duncan Hamilton recalls meeting Peter Taylor outside the dressing room in the Bernabéu shortly after Nottingham Forest have beaten Hamburg to retain the European Cup. Taylor, Hamilton said, was like Jay Gatsby, thinking of future glories while realising that the dream was already slipping away. Barcelona seem to be in a similar position now. If they can kick on, if they can overcome Guttmann's three-year rule, then their achievement will be truly historic; if it does all slip away, then they will merely have been another excellent team.
我唔需要將哩個 argue 扯到太遠
-[回帶] 哥帥已經盡可能為巴卡夢三帶來變化注入新鮮感, 喺主旨不改 (其實係沒甚可改) 嘅大前提之下
-假設巴卡夢三今季將於西甲及/或歐冠盃衛冕失敗, 無論哥帥季後離隊與否, 巴卡夢三應否自我了結? (冇錯, 我絕不認為佢地會因今季一無所有而被就此了結) 還是真係換帥就達成下一次昇華? (諗一諗, 我個心寒一寒)
-講近d, 平心而論, 巴卡夢三真有轉衰之勢? (有別於好多人, 我唔係純粹以獎盃論英雄) (記得哥迪奧拿講過d乜嗎? 巴卡夢三並不保證贏得任何獎盃..我相信哩條線路我地係搭得上囉)
-哥帥一旦離去, 繼任者的確有可能係唔駛揹延續巴卡踢法取向嘅包袱, 咁就有可能出現 "巴卡夢三自我了結" 喇, 但講極都係有可能咋
巴卡粉 (我冇特指任何人) 戒慎恐懼, 係有個譜抑或冇極限?
"未發生的意外 懶理它更自在".. |