發表於 2013-7-15 00:35:20
Spurs are after two teenagers tipped for bright futures say the Sunday Mirror. Eighteen years olds Joel Pohjanpalo from HJK Helsinki and Real Betis' Alvaro Vadillo, dubbed the next Cristiano Ronaldo, are both on their radar. Liverpool and Monaco are also interested in the Finnish striker who scored a three-minute hattrick on his debut last season.
芬蘭國腳右腳前鋒射手普恩柏路, 腳下功夫不俗
西班牙小國腳右腳左翼華迪路, 上位母會皇家畢迪斯兩季, 甚至已被正式提升, 但西甲上陣十幾場都仲未開齋, 亦唔見得接近懂得運用佢盤扭能力去製造攻勢, 確係似當年C朗 (哈哈哈哈, 至於想搵西班牙翼鋒射手, 可睇 13世青 topic, 或到西甲 topic 搵某 post 提及 "買空西乙A" 啦) |