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[西] 西甲13-14第1輪 (開咧) (下週中 西超盃 首回合 馬會 v 巴卡)

 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-19 20:55:56 | 顯示全部樓層
Carlos Vela scored the season's opener, after 42 minutes of Real Sociedad's aforementioned game against Getafe, and then debutant Haris Seferovic added a nifty second to help the Basque team start the season where they finished off the previous one -- winning games in style. On Tuesday night, they travel to Lyon for the Champions League qualifier. I was tempted to go, but the flight, hotel and entrance fee were a bit out of my range. I'll wait for the final.

Phil Ball 咧已開

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-19 21:20:38 | 顯示全部樓層
It was 6-0 at half-time, and in the second half the hosts seemed to lift their feet from the gas somewhat. The result was in fact Barcelona's biggest opening-day victory in their history, so the new coach has already entered the record books.


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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-19 21:23:33 | 顯示全部樓層
Leo Messi scored a couple, and was permitted the luxury of being tactically substituted during the second half (for the first time in three years!)

馬天奴! 啪啪啪!

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-19 21:29:06 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Raul_Gonzalez 於 2013-8-19 21:31 編輯
於我, 本季西甲廿隊, 初步觀感 (睇人腳, 論希望), 未開咧先揀三隊降班, 可以有佢地一份...
Raul_Gonzalez 發表於 2013-8-19 01:01

Joaquin Caparros, Levante's new man in charge, left the press pack with a gem after the Barcelona game, with the phrase "Ya hemos salido del dentista. Que pase el siguiente" ("We've got out of the dentist's chair now. Let the next one take a seat" ). Well, it might not always be extractions without anaesthetic. The result in the Camp Nou could be taken as an early confirmation of the ever-widening gap between rich and poor, or just an indication of how bad Levante will be this season.


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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-19 21:47:09 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Raul_Gonzalez 於 2013-8-19 21:52 編輯

New signing Isco played intermittently but got his manager out of an early crisis with a splendid header, five minutes from the end. Betis played really well, with the pacey Cedric and Jorge Molina causing them all sorts of problems, particularly in the first half. Madrid looked in need of a calmer orchestrator than Modric, and the metronomic importance of Alonso was once again manifest by its absence. Illarramendi too would have lent a hand, but let's not kill the new project before it's begun. ( ) Madrid huffed and puffed and eventually got out of jail, but it wasn't a very convincing start, after all the praise they have earned in pre-season. (真的只有我連看季前熱身友誼波都看不出希望嗎? 於我, 13-14 跟12-13 一樣, 缺少11-12 的感覺, 有d野唔多妥...我直覺不宜對漸入佳境抱太高期望, 因為當前實在處於較低發揮水平)

Next Monday, they visit Granada, where they lost last February

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-19 22:24:15 | 顯示全部樓層
艾達.杜蘭由奧利華.拖里斯 (結果著 #27, 未被正式提升) 入替
Raul_Gonzalez 發表於 2013-8-19 06:32

Arda Turan could move to the Premier League this summer, according to the Atletico Madrid playmaker's agent.

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-19 22:49:37 | 顯示全部樓層
Real Madrid left-back Fabio Coentrao was left out of the Madrid squad for yesterday's La Liga opener. Carlo Ancelotti admitted on Saturday, "he [Coentrao] has asked to leave. But he is a good player and I hope he stays."

The Portugal international could still end up at Spurs as part of the rumoured Gareth Bale deal, or perhaps in a stand alone deal, but Paris Saint-Germain are another possible option which would have the advantage of Champions League football.

麥斯威爾剛先榮升巴西大國腳就將失去 PSG 正選?

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發表於 2013-8-19 23:12:49 | 顯示全部樓層
Arda Turan could move to the Premier League this summer, according to the Atletico Madrid playmake ...
Raul_Gonzalez 發表於 2013-8-19 22:24


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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-19 23:18:19 | 顯示全部樓層
andyjeff 發表於 2013-8-19 23:12


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發表於 2013-8-19 23:34:52 | 顯示全部樓層
andyjeff 發表於 2013-8-19 23:12


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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-19 23:45:31 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Raul_Gonzalez 於 2013-8-20 00:28 編輯
hoyte 發表於 2013-8-19 23:34

OT 提早出手接手

吖係! 其實馬會被傳已出價一千個買前景未明的拿積...接過艾達.杜蘭盤扭者職能, 合情合理

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-19 23:50:25 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Raul_Gonzalez 於 2013-8-20 00:24 編輯

Valencia president Amadeo Salva confirmed on Saturday that Aly Cissokho was going to do a Liverpool medical ahead of a one-year loan deal: "Unless something happens during the medical on Sunday, Cissokho will be a Liverpool player." -- So an announcement could be on it's way shortly.

Valencia will potentially see Colombian striker Pabon, and not Atletico Madrid's Adrian, join the club. "We are not interested in Adrian, the Atletico player, we are just interested in Pabon." The fee for Pabon is believed to be between €6million and €7million.


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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-20 07:10:05 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Raul_Gonzalez 於 2013-8-22 04:59 編輯

狂賀阿爾拔圖.布安奴 scored twice on his Rayo debut 兼成為西甲13-14開咧射手榜榜首!
皇家馬德里青訓產品, 曾經的西班牙小國腳射手希望, 技術型右腳前鋒, 本季重返馬德里投效華歷簡奴, 有個相當好嘅開始, 對手更係去季憑防守優秀而贏得西乙A冠軍嘅艾爾捷

好吧, 艾爾捷廿四年來首場西甲 "意外地" 以大敗告終, 大可推說因為今場條防線根本係全新組合過而非成功爭取升班時所用, 並且只有首球係被攻陷防線而兩蛋三蛋都係遠射金球

FT       華歷簡奴 3:0 艾爾捷
40’   阿爾拔圖.布安奴 1:0
44’   阿爾拔圖.佩里亞 2:0
74’ 阿爾拔圖.布安奴x2 3:0

三年前西甲收咧日一球成名, 洛迪高.利奧斯本季被轉借艾梅利亞 -- 當日被佢絕殺嘅球會, 喺佢當日做西維爾搶得前四大英雄嘅球場踢其艾梅利亞 home debut, 上下半場各建一功左右開弓梅開二度, 以為救佢位新隊友 debut 擺烏龍嘅阿根廷左翼或左翼衛杜巴比亞一命, 點知佢哩場連大英雄都做唔成...艾梅利亞西甲13-14開咧同西甲09-10收咧一樣主場輸 2:3, 哩兩場佢都係球賽主要人物

GDS 黃潛 debut 唔駛輸波, 佢臨尾閃電式先入波後助攻, 門前撞入扳平 2:2 (多得佢墨西哥國家隊隊友右翼查維亞.艾昆奴/亞基諾後備上陣少有咁餵到埋口), 扭波橫傳俾莊拿芬.佩雷拉替補進球, 協助維拉利爾絕殺反勝艾梅利亞, 贏出哩場升班馬開咧對決

FT      艾梅利亞 2:3 維拉利爾
39’   洛迪高.利奧斯 1:0
65’           1:1 杜巴比亞(烏龍球)
74’ 洛迪高.利奧斯x2 2:1
83’           2:2 基奧雲尼.杜斯.山度士
86’           2:3 莊拿芬.佩雷拉

緣份未到, 仲未有得做巴卡名宿主帥, 安歷基本季回國執教切爾達, 第一場未竟全功, 主場領先兩蛋之下俾客隊愛斯賓奴逼和 2:2

愛斯賓奴入球者於安歷基更係 "抵死" : 佢教巴卡B時曾經部下防中域陀.山齊士.馬達忽然學人遠射得手; 兩年前季前熱身友誼波加泰隆尼亞盃為愛斯賓奴包辦數巴卡三蛋 (好吧, 那隊巴卡不是夢三而只是副選與小朋友) 的法國前鋒泰維 (西甲 debut 遠在10-11, 一直奠定唔到愛斯賓奴半主力地位, 去季被借走, 自行降班踢拉斯柏爾馬斯, 個人攻入十一球, 助攻都近十次(!)...本季歸隊就被正式提升) 單刀射入

切爾達就有全能中場阿歷士.盧比斯入楔射入首球, 而西甲以下多年著名射手巴西前鋒查理斯(.迪亞斯,.迪奧利華拉)就廿九歲高齡踢其西甲 debut 跳頂建功西甲開齋

FT     切爾達 2:2 愛斯賓奴
42’ 阿歷士.盧比斯 1:0
46’     查理斯 2:0
53’         2:1 域陀.山齊士.馬達
75’         2:2 泰維

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-20 07:15:09 | 顯示全部樓層
FT  皇家蘇斯達 2:0 基達菲
42’ 卡路斯.維拿 1:0
70’   些化路域 2:0

FT 華拉杜列 1:2 畢爾包
28’      0:1 蘇沙達
31’   艾拔 1:1
50’      1:2 蒙尼亞恩

FT    華倫西亞 1:0 馬拉加
65’ 列卡度.哥斯達 1:0

FT      巴塞隆拿 7:0 利雲迪
03’  阿歷西斯.山齊士 1:0
12’        美斯 2:0
25’   丹尼爾.艾維斯 3:0
26’   柏祖.洛迪古斯 4:0
42’ 美斯x2(十二碼) 5:0
45’        沙維 6:0
73’ 柏祖.洛迪古斯x2 7:0

FT 奧沙辛拿 1:2 格拉納達
38’      0:1 艾亞拉比
45’      0:2 耶比達
58’  普拿爾 1:2

FT 皇家馬德里 2:1 皇家畢迪斯
13’       0:1 佐治.摩連拿
26’   賓斯馬 1:1
86’   伊斯高 2:1

FT 西維爾 1:3 馬德里體育會
35’     0:1 迪亞高.哥斯達
37’ 佩洛堤 1:1
79’     1:2 迪亞高.哥斯達x2
90’     1:3 基斯坦.洛迪古斯

FT       華歷簡奴 3:0 艾爾捷
40’   阿爾拔圖.布安奴 1:0
44’   阿爾拔圖.佩里亞 2:0
74’ 阿爾拔圖.布安奴x2 3:0

FT      艾梅利亞 2:3 維拉利爾
39’   洛迪高.利奧斯 1:0
65’           1:1 杜巴比亞(烏龍球)
74’ 洛迪高.利奧斯x2 2:1
83’           2:2 基奧雲尼.杜斯.山度士
86’           2:3 莊拿芬.佩雷拉

FT     切爾達 2:2 愛斯賓奴
42’ 阿歷士.盧比斯 1:0
46’     查理斯 2:0
53’         2:1 域陀.山齊士.馬達
75’         2:2 泰維

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-20 07:24:00 | 顯示全部樓層
名次 球會       賽  勝  和  負   得失球    積分
 1 巴塞隆拿     1  1  0  0   7:0    3
 2 華歷簡奴     1  1  0  0   3:0    3
 3 馬德里體育會   1  1  0  0   3:1    3
 4 皇家蘇斯達    1  1  0  0   2:0    3
 5 維拉利爾     1  1  0  0   3:2    3
 6 畢爾包      1  1  0  0   2:1    3
 6 格拉納達     1  1  0  0   2:1    3
 6 皇家馬德里    1  1  0  0   2:1    3
 9 華倫西亞     1  1  0  0   1:0    3
10 切爾達      1  0  1  0   2:2    1
10 愛斯賓奴     1  0  1  0   2:2    1
12 艾梅利亞     1  0  0  1   2:3    0
13 奧沙辛拿     1  0  0  1   1:2    0
13 皇家畢迪斯    1  0  0  1   1:2    0
13 華拉杜列     1  0  0  1   1:2    0
16 馬拉加      1  0  0  1   0:1    0
17 西維爾      1  0  0  1   1:3    0
18 基達菲      1  0  0  1   0:2    0
19 艾爾捷      1  0  0  1   0:3    0
20 利雲迪      1  0  0  1   0:7    0

艾梅利亞 - 洛迪高.利奧斯
馬德里體育會 - 迪亞高.哥斯達
巴塞隆拿 - 美斯(1球十二碼)
華歷簡奴 - 阿爾拔圖.布安奴

畢爾包 - 馬基爾.蘇沙達
馬德里體育會 - 基斯坦.洛迪古斯
巴塞隆拿 - 阿歷西斯.山齊士
切爾達 - 阿歷士.盧比斯
愛斯賓奴 - 域陀.山齊士.馬達
格拉納達 - 艾亞拉比
奧沙辛拿 - 普拿爾
華歷簡奴 - 阿爾拔圖.佩里亞
皇家畢迪斯 - 佐治.摩連拿
皇家馬德里 - 賓斯馬
皇家蘇斯達 - 卡路斯.維拿
西維爾 - 佩洛堤
華倫西亞 - 列卡度.哥斯達
華拉杜列 - 艾拔
維拉利爾 - 基奧雲尼.杜斯.山度士

By Raul_Gonzalez @HKCM Forum

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發表於 2013-8-20 13:03:03 | 顯示全部樓層
hoyte 發表於 2013-8-19 23:34

好吧, 其實我都吾想賣賭能

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-20 21:22:38 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Raul_Gonzalez 於 2013-8-20 21:36 編輯

Real Madrid have lined up Granada left-back Guilherme Siqueira to replace the departing Fabio Coentrao, thwarting the efforts of Liverpool and Everton to sign the Brazilian defender.

AS are still reporting that Guilherme Siquiera will move to Madrid, to replace Fabio Coentrao. Siqueira has been left out of the Granada squad so far, and Madrid play at Granada next week, which should give the clubs a chance to talk over the move.

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-20 21:38:18 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Raul_Gonzalez 於 2013-8-20 21:44 編輯

Arsenal are reportedly interested in Valencia goalkeeper Vicente Guaita, according to Superdeporte. Valencia would probably be happy to sell as they have two good goalkeepers, including Diego Alves who started last weekend. A local paper says an Arsenal rep will be in Valencia today to discuss the deal, but no more details or word of fee.

另傳聖伊卡出走英超不是夢, 可能下家包括阿仙奴...
(唔駛問我, 我唔信)

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-20 21:42:11 | 顯示全部樓層
Barcelona are close to finalising a deal for Denis Suarez, the U20 Man City attacker, for a fee in the region of €1.5million. The youngster would join the Barca B team in the Segunda Division. This deal has been on the cards for some time now, but continually stalls, however it now seems Suarez will get his move.

[回帶] 巴卡B今季進行換班

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-8-20 21:46:28 | 顯示全部樓層
Raúl: Bale is amazing but his price is too high.

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