樓主 |
發表於 2005-1-28 02:21:32
Originally posted by ★碧咸仔★ at 2005-1-27 03:43 AM:
--free role有咩用,多數同用係咩位,咩人身上,我唔係好知實際有咩用
--options>perferences,入面有兩個rolling autosave/incremental save有咩分別
我自己就prefer 中場中的
Free role - Yours player will be given a licence to roam around the pictch. Ideal for playmakers
Rolling Autosave This optiob will create a maximum of threee saved-game files(marked in your save game folder as v.1 , v.2 and v.3) and will overwrite them alternately each time the game is saved. This effectively means that you keep a back-up of your last two saves. |