發表於 2007-7-26 21:55:00
1 陽はまたのぼりくりかえす [mobile]
2 百合の咲く場所で [mobile]
3 Viva la revolution [mobile]
4 Life goes on [mobile]
5 Fantasista [mobile]
6 静かな日々の階段を [mobile]
7 Let yourself go, Let myself go [mobile]
8 夢で逢えたら [mobile]
9 Under Age's Song (Album Mix) [mobile]
10 Canvas [mobile]
11 morrow [mobile]
12 Grateful Days feat. ACO, ZEEBRA [no mobile]
13 Ivory [mobile]
14 a.k.a. Hot Cake [no mobile]
15 few lights till night [mobile]
16 a.k.a. 花言葉 [no mobile]
17 Deep Impact feat. Rappagariya [no mobile]
18 a.k.a. Iceman [no mobile]
19 Fever [mobile]
20 crush the window [mobile]
21 I ♥ HIP HOP [no mobile]
22 El Alma feat. SHINJI TAKEDA [mobile]
23 Invitation (Buzz Mix) [mobile]
24 夕凪UNION [mobile]
25 Under Age's Song [mobile]
26 Beautiful [mobile]
27 Drugs can't kill teens [mobile]
28 Freedom of Expression [mobile]
29 天使ノロック [mobile]
30 Dark cherries [mobile]
31 Los Lobos [mobile]
32 Just I'll say [mobile]
33 Fly [mobile]
34 静かな日々の階段を (e.p. ver.) [no mobile]
35 Bling It [mobile]
36 Develop the music [mobile]
37 Summer Tribe [mobile]
38 Lily of da Valley [mobile]
39 Mustang A Go Go !!! [mobile]
40 Face to Face [no mobile]
41 Cowboy ****! [mobile]
42 Sunset Beach [mobile]
43 EPISODE 4 feat. SHUN, SHIGEO [mobile]
44 Snowscape [no mobile]
45 Palmas Rock feat. UZI-ONE [mobile]
46 Revive [mobile]
47 Patience [no mobile]
48 Revolater [mobile]
49 Melancholy [mobile]
50 Ability → Normal
grateful days得12 |