發表於 2009-10-19 18:34:45
大家小心D 上 ebay 買 applecare﹐唔比原裝箱你果D 唔好買﹐powerseller 都信唔過﹕
你買左之後佢會 email 個 code 比你﹐你上網登記個 code ﹐ apple 話 ok ( 呢個時候因為無問題﹐買家就會比個好評賣家)
之後過兩個月條友會攞原裝箱返 apple 投訴個 code 比人偷左再 refund ﹐由於 apple 係認箱+ S/N , 賣家有﹐你無﹐結果你由買家變左做 hacker , 之後個加長保養會比 apple delete﹐最慘係當你發現既時候想再買 applecare 已經過左一年﹐白白無左兩年保養+ 買 code 錢
What works for the sellers of these codes is that Apple will accept the code when you enter them on the Apple site. After the sale, you leave positive feedback. Cheap AppleCare. All good.
After a couple of months, Apple may void your registration because the code is either determined to be fake, or the real code has appeared or, the seller has obtained a refund on the orignal AppleCare. If your claim is outside the 45day purchase date, you cannot claim from Paypal. You lose your AppleCare and may lost the ability to purchase AppleCare again if your 12 month Apple warranty period expires.
Be aware also of fake boxes also. Custom printed boxes don't have the serial number for the purchase (it should be on the outside).
Here are some guidelines to stay smart:
- When you receive your AppleCare code, call Apple and confirm your code and serial number are valid. NEVER buy a code if the seller wont give you the serial number on the box it came in - CRITICALLY IMPORTANT!
- If you receive a boxed package - check to see if the serial number is on the outside. Call AppleCare and let them know the serial number and if it is valid.
Another SCAM:
Sellers are buying real Applecare packages and selling the codes to customers for half price.
The customer receives the code and activates it and after a few months the seller applies for a refund on the unused AppleCare! The seller will get their money back and the customer will lose any remaining warranty and will have no ability to get their money back from the seller.
If the customer contacts Apple, Apple will ask to see a receipt and the serial number of the packaged box.
之前係 ebay 買左個D 小心D﹐check 清楚﹐唔係一陣過左一年先知就大鑊
[ 本帖最後由 TinTin 於 2009-10-19 02:37 AM 編輯 ] |