發表於 2013-7-27 06:59:16
本帖最後由 Raul_Gonzalez 於 2013-7-27 08:03 編輯
也許...半主力以上但絕對主力以下 (舉例去季西甲佢踢三十場正選但有十多次被早退), 搖擺於攻中及第二假9之間, 所獲分配陣上角色和時間都沒一定, 就是法比加斯在巴卡夢三未到夢四之前的極限
要接受都唔太難吧, 母會巴卡終究唔係唔重視佢, 只不過又確實唔保證佢有得做主角...哩點從來關乎法比加斯自己心理定位 (而家就多少有別於佢想回家之時啦, 否則點會私下同曼聯接觸多次, 又喺自己朋友圈子放風有意加盟曼聯...)
曼聯方面, 冇錯, 正如好多其他交易轉會費, 幾可肯定係要 overpay 先成事...冇四千個都不能差太遠, 咁先算有交代呱
雲佩斯香川法比加斯前鋒輔鋒攻中配, 理論上係幾有希望 1 + 1 + 1 > 3...但就算買唔到法比加斯, 望雲佩斯同香川之間可以算得上合拍都仲要視乎實際執行人夾人, 好難話實...(如去季利物浦三獨同場有火花, 人夾人果真可以是無解)
況且曼聯總唔會專注玩波組織吧...主要喺邊路小組滲透做側擊, 人所共知, 就算曼迷都費事期望佢地會大變啦
想側擊冇咁難睇, 其一要求係新寵韋費特.薩夏傳中能力會有所進步昇華吧, 而佢習慣上腳扭波就算升班踢英超要常規過人都應該唔成問題 (好似係)
OK, 輪到史高斯發言...
Looking for some bland quotes on the Cesc Fabregas saga? Here's some from former Manchester United midfielder Paul Scholes.
"Well it would be nice to sign a player of that quality," he told Sky Sports News. "He's proven in the Premier League. Obviously he's with Barcelona, it's a big club. It will be difficult to get him away from there but, if you do, you have to fancy your chances strongly that we can go on and be successful with a player like that in your team."
And more from Scholes, this time on the subject of Wayne Rooney’s future.
"I don't think there's anywhere better than Manchester United to play your football," he told Sky Sports News. "It's up to Wayne - but he's a top, top player and every player and fan wants him to stay." |