傑夫仔 發表於 2008-3-24 17:05:43

Kimi Raikkonen希望跟Felipe Massa分享頒獎台

Kimi Raikkonen希望跟Felipe Massa分享頒獎台
Ferrari車隊的兩位車手在馬來西亞站表現相當強勢,起跑後始終保持領先地位,並持續拉開與後車的距離,雖然其後Felipe Massa失控衝出賽道退賽,但Kimi Raikkonen持續飛奔,最後以19.5秒的驚人時間差距將身後BMW- Sauber車隊的Robert Kubica拋開,奪下分站冠軍。

「重重一拳的回擊感覺真的很爽!」芬蘭冰人在賽後接受訪問表示:「事實上,上週在澳洲開幕賽我完全沒有想到會是這樣的狀況開始我的新賽季,很艱困的開始!原本也不寄望在馬來西亞的表現會比澳洲好,因為我們的速度沒有問題,即使在澳洲也是很快。今天一切進展得很順利,我們輕鬆應戰只希望不要有任何一個環節有失誤,在賽事後段我開始保守的駕馭引擎,一切都在計畫內進行的很完美,只可惜Felipe Massa出了狀況,我很希望可以跟他一起站上頒獎台的。」  

最後Kimi Raikkonen提到,F2008的狀況必須再加強排位賽的表現。「我們現在還沒有全然的把握可以在排位賽中取得優勢,像週六的第三節我就覺得輪胎的抓地力很差。不過整個週末很順利,但我想我們還有發揮的空間。」

Hin13 發表於 2008-3-24 20:36:27

原帖由 傑夫仔 於 2008-3-2405:04 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif

今天的馬來西亞分站決賽,兩輛Ferrari徹底展現實力,從頭排並肩出發,大有一舉拿下冠亞軍的姿態,豈料在第31圈的8號彎道,奪 ...

jacky422213 發表於 2008-3-24 22:07:16

赛车复古血性缺失 取消牵引力控制却未增超车机会

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2008年03月24日11:03体坛周报

  特约记者舒非述评 天气预报中的大雨没有光临,雪邦没有出现墨尔本那样的混乱场面。安全车不再现身,大部分车手都能控制好自己的赛车,退赛的数字也从首站的15下降到5,这似乎才是一场真实的F1比赛。






其實如期搞咁多野 ..
倒不如返返去以前咁 ..
得頭 6 名車手有分
咁樣相對上既競爭會劇烈 d ..

[ 本帖最後由 jacky422213 於 2008-3-2410:08 PM 編輯 ]

傑夫仔 發表於 2008-3-25 12:46:50


傑夫仔 發表於 2008-3-25 14:20:42

:titter: :titter:

jacky422213 發表於 2008-3-27 00:38:20

韦伯:汉密尔顿和舒米比还太嫩 只有英媒体为他陶醉
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2008年03月26日11:22新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 红牛车手马克-韦伯认为,英国媒体将他们的“掌上明珠”路易斯-汉密尔顿和F1七冠王迈克尔-舒马赫相比还为时尚早,因为巨星都是靠“资历”来说话的。澳洲人承认,汉密尔顿处子赛季的表现的确抢眼,但是,这位F1神童的“新奇价值”可能很快褪去。









的確係 ..
英國的媒體真係當佢神咁拜 ..

jacky422213 發表於 2008-3-28 11:06:09

WTCC: N-Technology to miss Puebla race as well

After missing the first race at Curitiba, N-Technology will also miss the second race of the season at the Mexican track Puebla. First reports told the Italian based team would be at the start of the second race of the season in Puebla, but the team announced on thursday evening they had to postpone their start of the season till the third race of the year.
By Rob Veltman Thursday, 27 March 2008 20:11 CET
The team will be testing on april 15th and 16th during the official WTCC test at Valencia, with James Thompson behind the wheel of the Honda Accord. A month later they will be at the start of the third race of the season at the same track.

"We're working very hard to be competitive and reliable during our first weekend", Mauro Sipz, team boss of N-Technology, said. "We need to take the time that is needed to prepare the car. We hope our efforts pay off at Valencia."

Hin13 發表於 2008-3-28 21:11:33

原帖由 jacky422213 於 2008-3-2811:06 AM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
WTCC: N-Technology to miss Puebla race as well

After missing the first race at Curitiba, N-Technology will also miss the second race of the season at the Mexican track Puebla. First reports told the ...

jacky422213 發表於 2008-3-29 10:41:24

WRC --- Rally Argentina

Loeb dominant at end of day one

By Matt Beer Friday, March 28th 2008, 22:06 GMT

Sebastien Loeb is now over one and a half minutes clear of the field in the Rally Argentina after day one of the event.

The reigning champion was handed the lead when Mikko Hirvonen broke his Ford's suspension in the first of this afternoon's stages, and was able to edge away as conditions improved following the rain and fog of the morning.

Second-placed Chris Atkinson matched Loeb's pace at first and was able to remain within 50 seconds of the leader. But two spins in the day's final full-length stage cost the Subaru driver 40 seconds.

Although Atkinson was able to rejoin and hold on to second place, he is now just eight seconds ahead of teammate Petter Solberg, who has struggled with damper problems throughout the second loop of stages.

As Solberg's pace slowed, he looked set to lose third to Citroen's Dani Sordo, but the Spaniard also hit trouble in SS8, losing half a minute with a steering issue.

That dropped Sordo to fifth, as Stobart Ford's Gigi Galli set an impressive third-fastest stage time - bringing him past Sordo and onto Solberg's tail. Second to fifth places are now covered by just 36 seconds.

Local favourite Federico Villagra continues to hold an excellent sixth place for Munchi's Ford, to the delight of the home crowd. His position is fully deserved, for most of the afternoon's retirements were running behind Villagra when they stopped.

Henning Solberg (Stobart Ford) and Toni Gardemeister (Suzuki) joined the casualty list when they broke their suspension on rocks in SS5 and SS8 respectively. Their departures mean that Solberg's teammate Matthew Wilson has moved up to seventh, and factory Ford driver Jari-Matti Latvala has already been elevated to a point-scoring eighth place despite losing nine minutes when he rolled early in the event.

Citroen WRC rookie Conrad Rautenbach and Production class leader Andreas Aigner complete the top ten at the end of the day one.

Hirvonen is expected to rejoin under superally rules tomorrow - along with Henning Solberg and the Suzukis - but will be classified 23 minutes behind Loeb.

Leading positions after SS9:

PosDriver      Car          Time
1.Loeb      Citroen      1h54:28.0
2.Atkinson    Subaru       +1:30.6
3.P Solberg   Subaru       +1:38.9
4.Galli       Ford         +1:47.7
5.Sordo       Citroen      +2:06.9
6.Villagra    Ford         +4:48.3
7.Wilson      Ford         +6:18.3
8.Latvala   Ford         +9:27.5
9.RautenbachCitroen      + 10:31.8
10.Aigner      Mitsubishi   + 12:21.0

jacky422213 發表於 2008-3-29 10:42:44

原帖由 Hin13 於 2008-3-2809:11 PM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif


話就話第 3 站
不過咁搞法 .. 可能未出得黎已經輸到追唔返 d 分 :icon101:

jacky422213 發表於 2008-3-29 22:59:25

WRC --- Rally Argentina

Loeb stretches lead in Argentina

By Matt Beer Saturday, March 29th 2008, 13:49 GMT

Sebastien Loeb has continued to edge away from the field in the Rally Argentina, while Petter Solberg has passed Subaru teammate Chris Atkinson for second place.

Solberg overcame Atkinson's eight-second overnight advantage by winning today's first stage, while Atkinson lost pace. The Australian was cagey about the exact nature of his issues.

"We can't really go any faster - we had something holding us back," he said at the end of SS11. "It's a small issue that we know about. At the moment I can't fight."

Despite his problems, Atkinson has stayed in touch with Solberg and heads for service just 4.1 seconds behind after winning the morning's final stage.

"It's tough, we want to have two Subarus on the podium," said Atkinson. "It's a fine line that we're walking down at the moment."

One and a half minutes ahead of the battling Subarus, Loeb (Citroen) maintains a comfortable advantage and is still faster than his pursuers - winning two of today's four stages so far.

The world champion was not impressed with the stage conditions though, with more rain having fallen overnight.

"The first stage this morning was terrible," said Loeb. "Very dangerous, a lot of mud, and with hard tyres with no cuts. I was happy to finish that stage. I'm taking no risks, just going through."

Further back, Ford's troubled rally continued as Stobart's Gigi Galli, Munchi's driver Federico Villagra and factory driver Jari-Matti Latvala all struck problems during the morning.

Galli has been embroiled in a tight battle for fourth with Citroen's Dani Sordo, and is currently just three seconds ahead. But the Italian arrived at the final time control with smoke pouring from the front of his Focus. He is currently attempting to get the car back to service.

Latvala's recovery drive took another blow when starter motor problems delayed him prior to stage 11. He is still eighth, but is now running out of position.

The most bizarre problem befell Villagra, who had to tie his throttle pedal to his foot to ensure he could close it after a problem within the mechanism.

"I think something like a spring inside broke," he explained. "I had to take the stages very slowly, but it works."

The unusual glitch has dropped Villagra to seventh, behind Stobart Ford's Matthew Wilson.

Leading positions after SS13:

PosDriver      Car          Time
1.Loeb      Citroen      2h41:05.4
2.P Solberg   Subaru       +1:32.4
3.Atkinson    Subaru       +1:36.5
4.Galli       Ford         +2:46.8
5.Sordo       Citroen      +2:49.5
6.Wilson      Ford         +9:01.1
7.Villagra    Ford         +9:59.5
8.Latvala   Ford         + 10:10.3
9.RautenbachCitroen      + 14:36.9
10.Aigner      Mitsubishi   + 18:54.3

jacky422213 發表於 2008-3-29 23:00:56

Thompson adds Danish campaign

By Edd Straw Saturday, March 29th 2008, 09:39 GMT

N.Technology's James Thompson will dovetail his World Touring Car Championship season with a Danish Touring Car Championship campaign in 2008.

Thompson, whose team have been forced to skip the opening two WTCC rounds while they build a new Honda Accord Euro R, will partner Jens Moller at the Hartmann Honda team. The Danish team runs Accords built by JAS, which is N.Technology's partner for the Honda WTCC project.

"I will not want to make up the numbers in Denmark," says Thompson. "The guys at Hartmann are very enthusiastic, and I see no reason why we cannot win races or be on the podium consistently.

"I have only seen the series from the outside, so I don't know it that well, but I will do as best as I can. If you have a good team and a good working ethics, I cannot see why we cannot win on any track, we will race at. Our chances should be as good as anyone."

Thompson's Danish campaign will be closely tied to his WTCC project, with regular engineer Marco Calovolo joining him in the Danish rounds and JAS providing technical support.

The deal means Thompson will make his debut in the Accord Euro R in the Danish opener at Jyllandsring on May 6, two weeks before his first WTCC appearance of the season at Valencia.

jacky422213 發表於 2008-3-31 00:35:38

WRC --- Rally Argentina
Loeb claims fourth Argentina win

By Matt Beer Sunday, March 30th 2008, 15:08 GMT

Sebastien Loeb has clinched a fourth consecutive Rally Argentina victory, winning by two and a half minutes from Chris Atkinson.

The world champion hit the front after dominant early leader Mikko Hirvonen broke his suspension on a rock on Friday afternoon.

The Ford driver's retirement handed Loeb (Citroen) a huge advantage over the chasing Subarus, and he was able to drive comfortably through the final days to secure the win and move into the championship lead.

Loeb said he was relieved to have a secure margin over the rest of the field, as he did not enjoy tackling the often very wet stages with the single tyre design mandated under the 2008 rules.

"I had enough of a lead to be very careful," Loeb said. "Luckily we didn't have to push in these conditions, because it was impossible to drive with the tyre we have. There was so much mud."

Petter Solberg had been in line for second until the final morning, when an electrical failure left him stranded in SS19. That elevated his Subaru teammate Chris Atkinson back up to the runner-up spot, and he duly claimed his third podium in four rallies this year.

The Australian admitted that his delight was tempered by his teammate's misfortune.

"I'm disappointed for the team, because we were very excited to have two cars in the top three," Atkinson said. "Second's great, but there's something missing."

Loeb's Citroen teammate Dani Sordo had a quiet run to third place, benefiting from the remarkable attrition that struck the event. The top three were the only World Rally Car drivers not to have a major problem during the weekend.

Those dramas allowed WRC rookie Conrad Rautenbach to take a shock fourth place in his semi-works Citroen, albeit nearly 20 minutes off the pace.

"It's fantastic," said Rautenbach. "We knew it was going to be a very rough rally, so we just tried to get it simple and get the experience, and it paid off."

The attrition also worked in Hirvonen's favour in the end. Despite retiring on Friday afternoon, he was able to salvage fifth place under the Superally system, having rejoined in 23rd on the second day. The Finn was amazed to find himself in the top five.

"I was so disappointed, we were in the lead and were so unlucky with the rock," Hirvonen said. "And now we are here. I didn't even think there was any point in continuing on Saturday morning, we were so far behind.

"It's definitely very good for the championship - Sebastien doesn't get too far away. The fight is still on."

Local driver Federico Villagra was thrilled to finish sixth for Munchi's Ford, despite an error in the final superspecial, with Stobart Ford's Gigi Galli taking seventh via Superally having dropped out of fourth on day two.

With Jari-Matti Latvala retiring due to starter motor problems on Saturday having already lost nine minutes by rolling on Friday, and both Suzukis and Stobart driver Henning Solberg also retiring, the Production class leaders infiltrated the overall top ten. Class winner Andreas Aigner took the final WRC point in eighth.

Leading finishers:

PosDriver      Car          Time
1.Loeb      Citroen      5h05:48.6
2.Atkinson    Subaru       +2:33.2
3.Sordo       Citroen      +4:04.7
4.RautenbachCitroen      + 20:03.5
5.Hirvonen    Ford         + 25:15.3
6.Villagra    Ford         + 27:42.0
7.Galli       Ford         + 27:51.8
8.Aigner      Mitsubishi   + 28:59.3
9.Beltran   Mitsubishi   + 30:04.9
10.Ketomaa   Subaru       + 31:52.6

jacky422213 發表於 2008-3-31 10:22:11

Leslie and Lloyd killed in plane crash

Sunday, March 30th 2008, 21:18 GMT

Former British Touring Car racer David Leslie and sportscar team boss Richard Lloyd were among five people killed in a plane crash in Kent this afternoon, according to sources close to Autosport.

Their private Cessna Citation 501 aircraft was headed for the south of France where Leslie was due to drive Lloyd's Apex Motorsport Jaguar XKR in an FIA GT3 equalisation test at Nogaro tomorrow.

The pilot made a mayday call to Biggin Hill Airfield, near Farnborough, reporting severe engine vibrations, but the plane crashed into the corner of a housing estate seconds later. The plane's two pilots and three passengers were killed, but nobody on the ground was injured.

A pilot who was flying a small aircraft just ahead of Leslie and Lloyd's plane told Sky News: "I was on final approach to Biggin Hill and I heard the pilot declare mayday and I could hear alarms in the cockpit.

"The pilot said 'We're going down, we're going down.' The radio stayed live and as I turned off the runway I looked back and saw the plane drop out of the sky. The radio went dead and black smoke came up from over the hill."

Leslie, who was 54, was best known for his wins in the British Touring Car Championship at the height of the super touring formula's popularity in the late 1990s, but he had also enjoyed a long and successful career in single-seaters and sportscars.

Lloyd, who was 63, founded Richard Lloyd Racing, who ran Porsche 956s and 962s in the World Sportscar Championship. He also successfully ran Audis in the BTCC and at Le Mans, and managed Bentley's victorious return to Le Mans in 2003. More recently he developed the Jaguar XKR for the FIA GT3 Championship.

Authorities have not confirmed the identity of plane's occupants.

A statement from the Metropolitan Police read: "We haven't confirmed the identity of any of the victims. Until we know that all of the next of kin have been informed, we can't make any further comment."


jacky422213 發表於 2008-3-31 10:26:13

David Leslie, 1953-2008

Sunday, March 30th 2008, 22:26 GMT

David Leslie was best known for his nine wins in the British Touring Car Championship for Vauxhall, Honda and Nissan during the ultra-competitive Super Tourer era in the 1990s, but by the time he arrived in saloons he had already enjoyed a long and successful career in single-seaters and sportscars.

Born in Dumfries in 1953, Leslie won his first Scottish karting title at the age of 16, and would add another four championships before graduating to car racing.

Further title success followed in BARC Formula Ford 1600, and by 1981 he was racing in British Formula 3, where he would spend three seasons.

In the late 1980s Leslie became a regular in the C2 class of the World Sportscar Championship, taking Ecurie Ecosse to second in the 1987 class championship while co-driving with his future BTCC team boss Ray Mallock.

He would also represent the famous Scottish outfit in the BTCC. Following several near-misses and frustrations, he took his first win in the Ecosse Vauxhall Cavalier at Thruxton in late 1993. His strong form that season earned RML, which ran the Ecurie Ecosse team, a factory Vauxhall deal for 1994.

Leslie spent a single season with Mazda in 1994, before being chosen to lead Honda's assault on the championship in 1995. By 1996 Leslie was regularly winning races in the Accord, but when Honda handed the 1997 programme to Prodrive, Leslie decided to switch to the Mallock-run Nissan team instead.

The Scot played an integral part in reviving Nissan's fortunes after the company's many years of underachievement, and in 1999 the RML Primera became the dominant force in the BTCC. Leslie missed out on the title however, as his new teammate Laurent Aiello swept the championship during his only season in the UK. Leslie meanwhile took a career-best second in the standings.

Nissan withdrew their works team the following year, leaving Leslie to mix occasional privateer outings with sportscar races until he signed up for Proton's debut in 2002. He was unable to win again in the Team Petronas Impian, but he did take the invariably uncompetitive car to the podium.

His two years with Proton proved to be Leslie's BTCC swansong. He subsequently shared a BMW with Apex Motorsport co-owner Harry Handkammer in the Britcar endurance series, and made several appearances in historic and club events in the UK including annual outings at the FF1600 Walter Hayes Trophy.

Leslie also became a highly-respected commentator for Eurosport's coverage of the World Touring Car Championship.

The hugely popular Scot continued to race successfully until his death - taking advantage of adverse weather conditions at Silverstone to take an unexpected Britcar victory, sharing a BMW M3 E46 with Handkammer at Silverstone in his final race on March 22.

jacky422213 發表於 2008-3-31 10:30:08

Richard Lloyd, 1945-2008

Sunday, March 30th 2008, 21:48 GMT

Richard Lloyd enjoyed incredible success both as a driver and a team boss during his four decades in motorsport.

He started racing in 1967 in a Triumph TR4 and went on to become a three times class title winner in the British Touring Car Championship as he established himself as one of the leading drivers in the series. In 1977 he expanded his repertoire by creating his own team - GTi Engineering.

The following season was his most successful in the BTCC as a driver, finishing second overall in the championship in a self-developed Volkswagen Golf GTi.

The team continued to run in the BTCC until 1980 - famously running Stirling Moss in an Audi 80 that year - before moving into sportscars in 1981. Lloyd and tin-top legend Andy Rouse claimed a class win in the Brands Hatch 1000kms that year for Porsche, and in 1983 became one of the first privateer teams to run the Porsche 956 Group C car.

The Canon-backed team enjoyed great success with the 956 and its successor, the 962 during the 1980s, famously winning the Brands Hatch 1000kms with Jan Lammers and Jonathan Palmer in 1984.

Now called Richard Lloyd Racing, the team also starred at Le Mans in 1985, finishing second with Lloyd himself driving alongside Palmer and James Weaver. A year later, RLR, now backed by Liqui Moly, claimed their second world championship race win, again at Brands Hatch, with Mauro Baldi and Bob Wollek.

Lloyd's team continued in the World Sportscar Championship until 1990, claiming another victory at the Norisring in 1987, only to have to pull out because of a sponsorship shortfall before the 1991 season.

After dropping out of sportscars, the team returned to lower key projects, with Lloyd winning the British Porsche 924 Championship in 1993, but soon returned to prominence. They ran the factory Audi Sport UK team in the British Touring Car Championship and took the title with Frank Biela and the A4 Quattro in 1996.

When Audi pulled out of the BTCC at the end of 1998, the team turned their attention to sportscars once again, developing and running the Audi R8 Coupe for Le Mans before switching to Volkswagen Audi Group sister brand Bentley for 2001. Lloyd also continued his assocation with Audi, building and developing the Audi S4s which were hugely successful in North American tin-top racing.

After a superb third place on the marque's Le Mans comeback in 2001, Lloyd's team, now named Apex Motorsport, finally won the great race in 2003.

Lloyd continued to appear occasionally as a driver in historic events, but wound down his team prior to it being revived in 2006 to develop and run the factory-blessed Jaguar XKR in the FIA GT3 Championship.

jacky422213 發表於 2008-4-3 23:51:52

间谍门之后是淫乱门 国际汽联主席莫斯利被报嫖妓
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2008年04月02日09:51新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 国际汽联主席莫斯利因英国一家小报的嫖妓报道成为F1圈子的新热门话题。不过,这次话题并不只停留在风流事上,莫斯利不仅得罪了犹太人,还可能因此而丢掉国际汽联主席的乌纱帽。

  疑与五名妓女玩纳粹SP 著名人士呼吁莫斯利辞职

  英国一家名叫《News of the World》的报纸刊登了莫斯利在一所高级公寓里,与5名妓女淫乱的一组图片。更为严重的是,有的妓女装扮成纳粹的形象,有的办成纳粹集中营的犹太人。据悉,这些图片是被一个隐藏的摄像机拍下的,因此在欧洲的网站上还有这次活动的视频。






  1979年的F1世界冠军、南非人约迪-施克特(Jody Scheckter)有犹太血统,他认为这次“纳粹形象嫖娼事件”是无条件地让莫斯利辞去国际汽联主席职位。“不可能让这样的人领导赛车运动,任何一个体育组织也不会同意。”他还表示:“我认为他应该走开。我想看到媒体发动一场攻势让他辞职。”

  国际汽联保持低调 莫斯利取消巴林之行





  事发之后,莫斯利还是高调表示要出席本周末在巴林举行的F1大奖赛,同时还出席一个在当地举行的首届中东赛车论坛。 埃克莱斯顿认为莫斯利不适合出席这次论坛。他承认,巴林的王室成员目前不愿意与风头上的莫斯利会见。



Mosley caught in alleged racist sex scandal
FIA President consulting with lawyers 31/03/08 09:16

A spokesman for F1's governing body says FIA President Max Mosley is consulting with lawyers after he was alleged to be at the centre of a racist sex scandal.

The British tabloid News of the World depicted the 67-year-old, in hidden camera footage filmed at a London apartment, engaged in a Nazi death-camp role play orgy with five prostitutes.

"As far as the FIA is concerned, this is a matter between Mr Mosley and the newspaper," a spokesman said.

"We understand that Mr Mosley's lawyers are now in contact with that newspaper and the FIA has no comment," he added.

Especially in the context of the recent racist scandal involving Lewis Hamilton, and Mosley's hard-line response, Jewish groups condemned the Briton's alleged actions.

"As Mr Mosley has condemned the racism in motor sport, he should live up to the standards he sets," Holocaust Centre director Stephen Smith told the Times newspaper, calling on Mosley to apologise and quit.   

In other British newspapers, Mosley's fellow F1 powerbroker and long time friend, Bernie Ecclestone, rejected the notion that Mosley should step down.

"I find it difficult to believe," the F1 Chief Executive is quoted as saying by the Guardian.

"It's his business but it sounds to me like a set-up. Has he in any way damaged F1? No."

Mosley's father was the notorious British fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley, whose wedding was attended by Adolf Hitler, but Ecclestone denied that Max is also racist.

"Knowing Max it might be all a bit of a joke rather than anything against Jewish people," he said, according to the Daily Mail.

"Assuming it's all true, what people do privately is up to them," Ecclestone told the Times of London.

Source: GMM
© CAPSIS International

[ 本帖最後由 jacky422213 於 2008-4-412:21 AM 編輯 ]

jacky422213 發表於 2008-4-3 23:54:49

Mosley apologises and vows to stay

By Jonathan Noble Tuesday, April 1st 2008, 17:16 GMT

Max Mosley has apologised to members of the FIA for any embarrassment caused by the recent revelations about his private life, but made it clear he remains fully committed to his role as president of motor racing's governing body.

In a letter sent on Tuesday to all presidents of the national FIA clubs, all members of the FIA Senate, the World Motor Sport Council and the World Council for Mobility and the Automobile, Mosley blames the allegations about his sexual conduct on a 'covert' operation to discredit him.

The FIA head also denied claims from the newspaper that there were Nazi connotations in his actions.

He also reveals that he intends to take legal action against the News of the World newspaper for the article.

In the letter, Mosley writes: "From information provided to me by an impeccable high-level source close to the UK police and security services, I understand that over the last two weeks or so, a covert investigation of my private life and background has been undertaken by a group specialising in such things, for reasons and clients as yet unknown. I have had similar but less well-sourced information from France.

"Regrettably you are now familiar with the results of this covert investigation and I am very sorry if this has embarrassed you or the club. Not content with publicising highly personal and private activities, which are, to say the least, embarrassing, a British tabloid newspaper published the story with the claim that there was some sort of Nazi connotation to the matter. This is entirely false.

"It is against the law in most countries to publish details of a person's private life without good reason. The publications by The News of the World are a wholly unwarranted invasion of my privacy and I intend to issue legal proceedings against the Newspaper in the UK and other jurisdictions."

Although there have been calls by some for Mosley to resign in the wake of the scandal, in the letter he claims that he has received support from a number of parties who wish him to stand firm in light of the controversy.

"I have received a very large number of messages of sympathy and support from those within the FIA and the motor sport and motoring communities generally, suggesting that my private life is not relevant to my work and that I should continue in my role," wrote Mosley. "I am grateful and with your support I intend to follow this advice.

"I shall now devote some time to those responsible for putting this into the public domain but above all I need to repair the damage to my immediate family who are the innocent and unsuspecting victims of this deliberate and calculated personal attack.

"You can, however be certain that I will not allow any of this to impede my commitment to the work of the FIA."

The letter is the first public statement from Mosley since the story broke in Sunday's News of the World newspaper.

Although Mosley is scheduled to attend this weekend's Bahrain Grand Prix, it is looking increasingly likely that he will choose to skip the event.

Although the news of Mosley's antics has generated a lot of coverage and reaction in the media, so far Formula One teams and manufacturers have remained silent over the matter.

佢塊面皮真係厚得好緊要 :icon032:

jacky422213 發表於 2008-4-3 23:57:12

Bahrain Prince asked Mosley not to attend

By Pablo Elizalde Thursday, April 3rd 2008, 08:37 GMT

Sheikh Salman Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, the Crown Prince of Bahrain, says it would be inappropriate for FIA president Max Mosley to attend this weekend's race following revelations about him in a tabloid newspaper.

The FIA head was originally scheduled to attend the race, but a spokesman said on Thursday he would not travel to Bahrain as he was busy with legal matters.

"The FIA President was originally scheduled to attend the race in Bahrain but legal matters have detained him in London," he said.

The Times newspaper, however, reports that the Crown Price of Bahrain had asked Mosley not to attend the event in order to keep the focus on the grand prix.

It it unknown if the letter had been sent before or after the FIA confirmed Mosley would not travel to Bahrain.

"In light of the allegations, I suspect you may be deliberating on your planned attendance at the Grand Prix here in Bahrain later in the week," The Times quoted the Crown Prince as writing in a letter to Mosley.

"I therefore felt it important to convey the position of Bahrain and its people.

"Clearly of paramount importance is the success of the event for all concerned — the Kingdom of Bahrain, Formula One and spectators. The focus quite rightly should be on the race.

"With great regret, I feel that under the current circumstances, it would be inappropriate for you to be in Bahrain at this time."

jacky422213 發表於 2008-4-3 23:58:17

BMW, Mercedes slam Mosley's behaviour

By Jonathan Noble Thursday, April 3rd 2008, 08:40 GMT

German car manufacturers BMW and Mercedes-Benz have issued a statement labeling FIA president Max Mosley's behaviour as 'disgraceful'.

In the first public comment made by Formula One competitors since details of Mosley's private life were revealed in the News of the World, the car makers say that they distance themselves from what has happened.

And they make it clear that the implications for the revelations go far beyond just F1.

A joint statement issued by them said: "The content of the publications is disgraceful. As a company, we strongly distance ourselves from it.

"This incident concerns Max Mosley both personally and as President of the FIA, the global umbrella organisation for motoring clubs. Its consequences therefore extend far beyond the motor sport industry. We await a response from the relevant FIA bodies."

Mosley wrote a letter to the FIA earlier this week apologising for any embarrassment caused by the News of the World story, but emphasising that he intends to carry on in his role with motor racing's governing body.

In the wake of the story, however, Mosley has cancelled a planned visit to this weekend's Bahrain Grand Prix. This morning's Times newspaper revealed that the Bahraini royal family had written to Mosley making it clear that they did not wish him to turn up.

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